Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Next - Sir Mick falling off his cash mountain...
E-mail this to a friend Printable version Keith Richards 'tree fall' injury Keith Richards has written some of the most famous guitar riffs in the world. Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has been taken to hospital in New Zealand after injuring himself while on holiday in Fiji. A band spokeswoman said Richards had suffered "mild concussion" and was taken to hospital as a precaution. Media reports in Australia and New Zealand said Richards had hurt his head when he fell from a coconut tree. |
Friday, April 28, 2006
The asshole of the year facing the asses of his loyal subjects - the answer my friend is blowin' in the wind...
Let's see - to be an idiot you need a black turban, Hassidic beard, cave stink and endless sense of humor...
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Meeting Pakistan's Taleban chief
By Aamer Ahmed Khan BBC News, South Waziristan, Pakistan
Not many outside Pakistan's troubled tribal zone of Waziristan along the country's north-western border with Afghanistan will be familiar with the name of Haji Omar.
"Yes, we treat all American allies as enemy. We have caught many people who were trying to help the Americans, either directly or through Pakistan," he said.
What happens when they catch such people?
"We do not waste our bullets on them," Haji Omar said with a smile.
"We slaughter them."
King-Kong for sainthood - he satisfies both conditions - intelligent design and evolution...
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Pope wants strict sainthood rules
Pope Benedict XVI started John Paul II on the path to sainthood. Pope Benedict XVI has urged the cardinals responsible for nominating candidates for sainthood to be strict in their selection.
No wonder, with a name like this...and a bank account - this guy can afford to be an idiot...
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Rap star to leave UK after arrest
Snoop Dogg has a gig scheduled in South Africa on Saturday.
Snoop Dogg TV report US rap star Snoop Dogg will fly out of the UK on Friday, two days after being arrested at London's Heathrow Airport.
He was released on bail on Thursday and spent the night at a London hotel.
He had spent Wednesday night in a cell after being held on suspicion of affray and violent disorder following a fracas that injured seven police officers.
Release all the crocs, please...or how to get rid of idiots...
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Aussie chainsaw croc runs amok
Saltwater crocs are known to attack boats with outboard motors. A crocodile in northern Australia has chased a storm-clearance worker up a tree and made off with his chainsaw.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Ras-Putin imperial speach, delivered in his thick KGB accent with some East German: schweinehunde...
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Putin accuses the West, especially Europe, of double standards. Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused European countries for whipping up fears over the reliability of Russian energy supplies.
Speaking after meeting German leader Angela Merkel, Mr Putin said Russia and Europe must agree "rules of the game".
Wonderful 'holy shit!' statement from holy warriors. It is filled with love and compassion for mankind, the spiritual essence of I-slam, oy!!!
A website has posted a video message which shows a man who appears to be the Iraqi insurgency's most wanted leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
In the tape, the man says holy warriors are fighting on despite a three-year "crusade". US experts told the BBC they believed the recording was genuine.
"By God, your dreams will be defeated by our blood and by our bodies - what is coming is even worse!"
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Halabja? Is that a falafel without hoummus? Or they thought the Kurds are Jews...
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Halabja survivors seek justice
By Caroline Hawley BBC News, Baghdad
Five thousand Kurds died in the gas attack on Halabja in 1988. "I screamed," Aras Abed remembers. "But there was no-one left to hear me."
Seventeen years on, he shows his children fading photographs of members of the family he lost in a single night, in one of the worst atrocities of Saddam Hussein's rule.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Excuse me - that child molester (Aisha was just a teenager) Mu-hahaha-m-mad had 9 wives - goal!
Iran clergy angry over women fans. By Frances Harrison BBC correspondent in Tehran It is hoped the presence of families will improve stadium behaviour. Iran's religious right is voicing growing opposition to a decision to let women to watch football matches for the first time since the 1979 revolution. Four grand ayatollahs and several MPs have protested against the move, saying it violates Islamic law for a woman to look at the body of a male stranger. |
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
O.K. flight attendants, down on your all fours, open your mouth, ready...
The various size idiots just don't give up...What's next? Virtual flying - you don't have to fly anywhere - just buy a RT ticket, sit in your ugly sofa, open that horrible Bud and continue to atrophy your poor insignificant brain? Ofcourse...what else?! One Day, That Economy Ticket May Buy You a Place to Stand Single Page By CHRISTOPHER ELLIOTT Published: April 25, 2006 The airlines have come up with a new answer to an old question: How many passengers can be squeezed into economy class? Graphic: A Balance Between Economics and Comfort A lot more, it turns out, especially if an idea still in the early stage should catch on: standing-room-only "seats." Airbus has been quietly pitching the standing-room-only option to Asian carriers, though none have agreed to it yet. Passengers in the standing section would be propped against a padded backboard, held in place with a harness, according to experts who have seen a proposal. |
Urine-run engines pleaaaaaaaaase & public executions for SUV owners who look: a) Middle-Eastern; b) Semitic, c) Kazahstani; d) from Utah, etc.
Bush to Halt Deposits to Oil Reserve
By JOHN HOLUSHA 15 minutes ago
The move is intended to make more oil available for consumer needs and relieve pressure on pump prices.
Consumer Confidence at Highest Level in 4 Years
Oil Prices Rise on Worries About Iran
Please keep this idiot down there for ever...we all are holding our breath.
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Blaine plans underwater challenge
Blaine has been in training in the Cayman Islands. Magician David Blaine has announced plans to spend seven days submerged in a water-filled container in New York.
The illusionist, who spent 44 days in a glass box for a starvation stunt in London in 2003, will use lines giving nutrition and air to stay alive.
After one week, he will remove his air supply and attempt to break the world record for holding breath.
Stone the pussy but leave the rest...
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German brothel ad angers Muslims
The Pascha brothel claims to be the biggest in Europe. A Cologne brothel touting for clients with a World Cup-themed banner has blacked out the flags of Iran and Saudi Arabia after threats from Muslims.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Rule # 1: Shave your head and now try again...all other rules apply...
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Vatican 'may relax condom rules'
The Pope has backed abstinence over condoms. The Vatican is preparing to publish a statement on the use of condoms by people who have Aids, a senior Roman Catholic official has said.
Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan told La Repubblica newspaper that Pope Benedict XVI asked the Vatican's council for health care to study the issue.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Good idiocy starts at home...nothing like great, loving parents - fat, stupid and completely oblivious - bring in another blood dripping video game
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US police 'foil attack on school' A website message led to the Riverton arrests. Police in the US state of Kansas say they have foiled an attack on a school on the seventh anniversary of the Columbine massacre. Five boys, aged 16 to 18, were arrested after a message on a website warned students at the school in Riverton to wear bullet-proof vests on 20 April. Police said they found guns, bullets and knives at the home of one suspect.
Friday, April 21, 2006
One idiot is not enough...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
OK, repeat after chopping, only fucking; now you are absolved from all your sins...
Printable version Mexican priest 'chopped up lover' Torres first met his lover when she was 13. A Mexican priest has confessed to strangling a woman with whom he had an 18-month-old child, before chopping up and dumping her body, authorities say. |
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
And The Idiot of the Year & Beyond award goes to...but we are expecting multiple protests from other idiots
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Mr Ahmadinejad says Iran's nuclear intensions are peaceful. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has warned his country's military would deal with any attack by "cutting the hand of the aggressor".
Mr Ahmadinejad was speaking after US media reports last week said the US might take military action to try to stop Iran developing nuclear weapons.
Monday, April 17, 2006
A friendly, giant fart - a gift from the peace-loving Chinese people...or the problems with erections...
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Giant Mao statue erected in Tibet
Mao is still revered by many as the founder of modern China. The Chinese authorities say they are putting up a huge statue of Chairman Mao Zedong in Tibet.
The 35-ton memorial is being built to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the former leader's death.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
The great news from Awfulistan just getting greater and greater, thanks to under-appreciated tasks of local and global idiots...
Printable version US buys back stolen Afghan files The drives were reportedly stolen from the Bagram base. US officers have been buying back stolen computer drives, many of which contain sensitive military data, from an Afghan market near a key airbase. |
Thursday, April 13, 2006
First you kill your sister then your brother, mother, father...go on...
Printable version 'Honour killing' brother jailed Dozens of women have died in "honour killings" in recent years. A 19-year-old Turkish man has been jailed for nine years and three months by a German court for shooting his sister in a so-called "honour killing". |
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Did I get it right? Let's see, so the Phuckees celebrate by killing?
Another huge victory for idiocy - and this comes from people who still insist that I-slam is a religion of peace and compassion...maybe on Saturn...
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Pakistan probe into deadly attack
The attack is thought to be the worst in Pakistan in years. Police in Pakistan are investigating a suspected double suicide bombing that killed at least 57 people at a festival held in honour of the Prophet Muhammad.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Who is Madonna? Another ordinary conception idiot?
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Madonna tour tickets 'snapped up'
Madonna is going to 'turn the world into one big dancefloor'. Fans of Madonna have snapped up almost all tickets for her forthcoming world tour, despite extra shows added in several cities, reports say.
The tour, which starts on 21 May, is full in several venues, including seven shows at London's Wembley Arena, according to US magazine Billboard.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Everyday science or what's the papa Universe really telling us...
Rejoice, idiots for we are very ancient and infinite...
Friday, April 07, 2006
Satisfaction guaranteed...will anyone tell this idiot to retire?
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Stones tracks censored in China
Sir Mick Jagger said he was not worried by censorship. Chinese authorities have asked the Rolling Stones to cut five songs when they play in Shanghai - one more than when they were due to perform in 2003.
Lead singer Sir Mick Jagger said the band were not worried by the censorship and had fully expected it.
"Fortunately, we have 400 more songs that we can play so it's not really an issue," said Sir Mick.
Heil Brooks! Every Israeli a mustache...
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Hitler musical big hit in Israel
By Martin Patience BBC News website, Tel Aviv
Actor Itzak Cohen says the musical does not mock World War II. Surrounded by goose-stepping sidekicks, Hitler, with his trademark black moustache, bursts onto the stage to the song Spring-time For Hitler - in Tel Aviv.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
And almost finally...
Wait a minute... let's change the title to Homeland Sexuality, counts to cunts - but what is more important is this obvious hypocrisy. Whose business is to comb through Internet who is seducing whom?! All those silicone suckers (Google, Intel, etc.) - I am sure with blessing of the some impotent politicians and many corporate industry porno-heads, agreed with the totalitarian & cruel Chinese regime (which one day will get us anyhow), allowing it to control the privacy of the Internet, which means in the Orwellian fashion looking into people's own intimate space and perhaps minds.
So who is more immoral, you greedy shits?!
Read the intro by this author, he has hit the nail right in the middle - a great recipe for the great tasteless idiot stew...a decline is thus assured...
As usual - the visionaries are right even though idiots claim that distinction...
Certain James Hansell from UoMichigan, declared with typical academic impotence:"He was wrong about so many things. But he was wrong in such interesting ways..." That's pure poetry to me; I mean from Freud and not Hansell, which brings me to the point - read his great book Moses and Monotheism (yes, Freud's)...
Follow the arrows for more irrefutable information, the building blocks of different size idiots or - when the Muslims will finally have own damned intellectuals out of control...?
When it comes to Gloria Steinem, she is a reliable cunt idiot, but hey, every side must have their own idiots...
This my take on Freud, sorry analysts...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
How many different size idiots it takes or I can't ever run out of the great material...
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Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets in Cambodian Ring-Fight
An African Lion much like this is responsible for the death of 28 Cambodian Midgets. Spectators cheered as entire Cambodian Midget Fighting League squared off against African Lion
Tickets had been sold-out three weeks before the much anticipated fight, which took place in the city of Kâmpóng Chhnãng.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Another just-because world idiot and he is the whole thing!
If Not Peace, Then Justice Printer-Friendly Single-Page By ELIZABETH RUBIN Published: April 2, 2006 I. A Day in Court for the Criminals of Darfur? More Photos > Darfur: A History of Violence Enlarge This Image Lynsey Addario/Corbis, for The New York Times Rings of Fire: The janjaweed kept the village of Tama burning to prevent inhabitants from returning. More Photos > ...The Arab tribal leader Nazir al-Tijani, who commands most of the janjaweed in that area and is said to be under the control of the governor, has admitted that the attacks occurred and that he directed them. He said it was in retaliation for cattle raids. "He gave a big speech about his innocence, but he has not read the Geneva Conventions very well," one international official told me, quoting Tijani as having said, "Just because I ordered and planned the attacks doesn't mean that I was present during the attacks!" ... |