TORTURE NEVER STOPS... (Thank you, Frank Zappa !)

REMEMBER: DON'T CAVE IN TO ANY IDIOTS, ESPECIALLY THE religious farts such as the ISLAMO-FASCISTS and other fishheads from various denominations!!! Did you know, we are nothing but a spermatic, cosmic co-incident? This site is dedicated to the members of the GIANT group - Global Idiots Accelerated News Tips. PLEASE VISIT/CLICK ON THE ARCHIVES (on the right side) FOR MORE OUTRAGEOUS, LIFESAVING MATERIAL...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Forgivness? Forget it! How can be the world fooled by those power hungry generals in ugly uniforms...

Asking for forgiveness


Cyclone and earthquake - the two natural, apocalyptic disasters, mercilessly striking our planet since the time immemorial. It would be quite easy and simple to blame the actions or rather non-actions of the governments of China and Myanmar (Burma) of negligence and lack of concern for their own population. This is nothing new in those two countries. From their perspective - in light of these recent catastrophes, in the overpopulated country such as China, and rigidly controlled Myanmar’s China’s military client – the loss of so much life is but a mere drop in the bucket.

The tragedy is enormous and it is touching us all. Even though China appears to be superficially concerned, it’s mostly due to their upcoming 2008 showcase Olympic Games gala, just as that little corporal with tragic-comic mustache and bad hairdo did in 1936 in Berlin in order to legitimize his cannibalistic, world-domination appetite. It appears that China doesn’t want to spoil this occasion to demonstrate its long and desperately desired position to join the rest of the civilized world, regardless of their left ideological and right world-market economy maze.

Cyclone and earthquake - have stricken those two countries with a typical vengeance of unpredictable nature. The number of the victims is staggering; their suffering and angry confusion is overwhelming. We are talking about thousands and thousands of lives lost, injured, missing, or displaced.

The unfortunate Chinese parents are still digging today (far away from that dizzy glitter of Shanghai and Beijing) their children from the rubbles of local schools and buildings cheaply built (with an insufficient amount of bad quality cement), hoping and praying that their only child (the direct result of the official, arbitrary one-child policy), will miraculously survive in the ruins. Meanwhile, the ‘mysterious’ Myanmar junta is holding world’s necessary help at its borders. The power-drunk generals rightly fear that this time the world community has a great opportunity to get rid of them on account of playing chess with the national tragedy, while their country is turning into a mass grave. One might even ask: Where is the UN resolute action when needed? Doesn’t this gross negligence constitute a crime against humanity?

Sure, we consider dying a natural part of our existence – all living matter must die one day, just as it is given all optimal conditions to start a new life. Nevertheless, we are also capable of extending our longevity as well as providing decent care for our aging population. There are many problems of how to cope with a slow decline and many a time with a vicious, debilitating, and incurable diseases. In addition, we still have a problem dealing with our psychological, social, and cultural taboos and restrictions.

However, this is all a composite of our human mortar, a glue binding us together in our effort to find the most optimal response and solution that corresponds to our positive values, such as respect of life and death, aging and nurturing, paying a tribute to many who struggled and still do struggle, etc.

But when an Iraqi father boastfully slaughters his only daughter because her unpardonable ‘sin’ was talking to a handsome British soldier, while her two brothers helped him to cut her throat by holding her down (after which the whole family was invited to gather and spit on her tortured body before they threw her into a grave) - this is another horrifying catastrophe threatening mankind.

What then of our resolve to protect and save life – from a tiny tropical frog to a majestic elephant or polar bear?

If we can’t protect a human life under threat, then we somehow forfeit our rights to be representatives and protectors of life on this planet with dire consequences.

The wise, ancient sages knew that very well when they formulated a supreme, moral axiom: ‘If you kill one person it is as if you have killed the whole world!’

As to that, so called father (a criminal, committing premeditated murder) who brutally killed his own daughter, pray that there is a kind of justice out there that will put him and his sons on trial and open their eyes with an eternal question: Why did you do that? This question should stay with them - the Chinese executives’ comrades, and their Myanmar generals on the leash, on their march to Hell - until they will be capable of understanding the enormity of their crimes and ask for forgiveness - for the sake of all of us.

(Written a few days after the horrible tragedy and before all the results became available.)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Get the new T-shirt...before another Big Bang!

Little thoughts before you start to choke on your morning omelette


(Uncivilized civilization)
Gabriel A. Levicky

Picture this. It’s the 21st century or at least it is supposed to be. On the street of one of the most open and picturesque harbor cities in the world with a long history of offering a refuge to the persecuted and victims of various intolerances - a man calmly walks to another man and without saying anything - stabs him to death. Then in cold blood, he pins a note, a message on the back of his victim as if his deed was a heroic one and not one of crime and disgust. Mind you, he calls himself a religious man, a follower of the “last prophet”, a revenger representing god’s obscure will. He feels victorious, for has contributed with his bloody, despicable act and equally obscure personal insignificance (but with crowd solidarity support) to a call for jihad - a cleansing call - a warning to all kafirs, unbelievers that the punishment is on its way.

Precisely at this moment we all had been kidnapped by the dark forces of terror and blind fanaticism and instantly transported against our will to the world we were almost certain doesn’t exist anymore.

In our democratic well-wishing naivety, many have forgotten that our world is a composite of various forces conflicting and clashing with our nicely carved expectations and desires. There are “useful” fools out there who would swear such a violent act is a result of our previous and present individual and collective responsibility for the sad state of world’s affairs. We are being accused of something we have never done. The real culprits are defended to the last grains of hope. These apologists of crimes perpetrated by the intolerant fanatics, getting better in cutting one’s head, would like to erase centuries of humanity’s fight with those threatening, dark forces. The naïve supporters of these murderers and fanatics show their utmost disregard for victims’ of our horrible and bloody history. They also show their contempt for our well-meant struggle to uplift and inspire humanity, offering a better view of our infamous appetite and responsibility to cause death and destruction. For many of them (supporters, adversaries), spilling innocent blood is a payback, a deserved revenge, a vengeance, a kind of necessary entrance to guilt-ridden Purgatory.

Here I have to posit reflective questions: What portion of responsibility did countless innocent souls had when those unchallenged dark forces mercilessly slaughtered them? Were my parents and their generation of human sheep lined up to their death in the middle of the 20th century, responsible for alleged mistreatment of these people with a 16th century mentality? Why were my grandparents prematurely turned into ashes, stripped of their dignity and humanness? Were they responsible for some sick interpretation of obscure religious texts from the 9th century? Do answers to these questions really exist?

Therefore, arguments on behalf of those killers and mental freaks are void of any meaning. Humanity is acting like a confused split personality character. One day we are drunk with hate and rage only to sadly stare next day semi-sober at the presented bill, bloody statistics of wars, conflicts, asking ourselves: What? Have we really done that? We shall never do it again!

Never again?

How pathetic are these post-fact admittances and crocodile tears, for we will do it again just as we were doing it since the time immemorial. The global killings did not stop since the first stone thrown by newly emerged Homo sapiens killed another living being.

We are not conditioned only by our environment - as many prefer to think. We do encounter many ‘mysterious, unexplainable’ forces against which we are quite frequently helpless and desperate. Obviously, these forces mold us as well. However, we do build on our hope and desires for a better life in coexistence with the others. This is our first and foremost covenant, for we know otherwise we will perish regardless of any eagerly expected intervention ‘from up above’.

So how do we deal with those who celebrate death in order to find the meaning of life? Do we appease them and share their tears? Or perhaps we even swear, we are sorry for whatever we didn’t do?

One thing is sure we have to face them with absolute resolute. Moreover, if they seek glory through death, we ought to help them.

Good riddance.

Otherwise, these knife yielding mongrels and maniacs with their 10th century imagination will infest our cities and countries. We would be afraid to speak and act openly on whatever issue. This defeats the purpose and meaning of our democracy and threatens to turn us into the obedient and frightened ants.

Take for example the Chinese atrocities in Tibet and their Hitler-like preparation for the so called Olympic Games.

Again – we may never learn, certainly not from those who prefer to hide behind the lofty, meaningless phrases such as “sport is not politics (really?); all mankind is one (whatever that means); the games are about fitness and competition,” etc.

Nothing is mentioned about the imbedded violence in sport, its brutality, its gladiator-like nature, its desire to smash, squash and destroy an opponent. These are suitable attributes of any sort of totalitarian and brutal regime such as Nazi Germany’s National Socialism, the Soviet socialism or the Bolshevik’s primitive idiocy, based on fear and mistrust, the Arab Wahhabist’s misanthropic, self-centered fundamentalism, and China’s Big Brother’s communism, which in reality amounts to a volatile mixture of barbarism and sadism threatening our civilization. Of course, we love to do business with them. It’s a huge market, almost as large as the graves they let us dig for ourselves.

And so today - on the streets of the cities of our hard-fought and hard-earned Western Civilization values, we attempt to beat to the pulp the protesters against killing and Chinese contemporary colonial oppression in Tibet - in order to protect the actual killers and their puppeteers in the name of the perverse concepts, called sport and business. Because we opt not to recognize the suffering and aspirations of conquered and humiliated people, we are now forced to accept “an explanation” from various cynical relativists that in its very nature sounds more like a declaration of arrogance and brute power struggle illuminated by this burning Olympic torch route.

Do we really care so much about these games and their annoying noise which resonates louder than the desperate sighing of tortured people? Imagine what would have happened if the world in 1936 had firmly told that crazed, posturing leader in Berlin – enough and stopped him right away in his destructive tracks? Perhaps we would have been able to see and live in a different world, a world that doesn’t need physical competition but rather encouraged healthy mistrust of bombastic proclamations, a world that doesn’t need to paint a rosy future while victims scream and suffer. This screaming and suffering is our real UN anthem – whether it is in Africa, Latin America, Cuba, North Korea, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia and many other nations, including this one.

Do you hear it? That distant torture-never-stops drum beating?

For we should not appease the guilty masters of these crimes but rather do everything to bring them to justice and make sure we all understand why.

The other option is listening to the mad sound of knives sharpening and to the ridiculous echo of the torch carrying controversy. Most of all, allowing ourselves to hear the screams of the real, helpless victims without doing anything about it.

Really, have we come a long way?

Monday, May 05, 2008

Horny Russian rockets ready to get erected...capable to carry Putin's sperms to the outer space...

Putin defends missiles at parade

Police with sniffer dogs patrol near a Topol missile at the parade dress rehearsal on 5 May
The parade is expected to draw large crowds on Friday

Russia's display of heavy weapons in this year's Victory Day parade in Moscow is "not sabre-rattling", President Vladimir Putin insists.

Tanks and intercontinental missiles are to be paraded for the first time since the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

The outgoing Russian leader said that Friday's parade to mark the end of World War II would demonstrate Russia's growing defence capabilities.

"We do not threaten anyone and do not intend to do so," he said.

A dress rehearsal for the parade was conducted on Monday.

Mr Putin is stepping down as president on 7 May to be replaced by Dmitry Medvedev.